of City
Magazine (2020 Edition)

號外景像 (2020 Edition) 


Artist Statement

The cover of a paper media is a painting of time, a work of collaboration, formed and puzzled by aesthetic of era, status of society, history and people at a specific year and date by various ways of presentation.

The cover of “City Magazine” is definitely a unique scenery among newspaper stall of Hong Kong because of its large size and stunning cover visual. “Landscape of City Magazine” process a color analysis of its cover from the first to 499th, based on the 4C printing standard CMYK, each issue forms a mountain like landscape according to its CMYK data - this is the landscape of era created by City Magazine. And the 3d landscape be 3D printed into a a three dimensional form and be constructed into “Landscape of City Magazine”.

2020 Edition is an installation showing the the whole process from analysis the cover, deconstructing in to CMYK information, forming the 3D landscape to a physical 3D printed landscape. 



《號外》的封面在書報攤中顯然是一幅獨特風景,它的尺寸和美學在這幾十年依然在萬亂的檔仔中鶴立雞群。作品《號外景像》(Landscape of City Magazine)把《號外》雜誌歷年499期的封面作一次史無前例的顏色分析,以平面四色印刷的標準CMYK作為分析基礎,將每一期的 CMYK - C(Cyan)青色、M(Magenta)洋紅色、Y(Yellow)黃色、K(Black) 黑色的數據排列出來,每一期的顏色分佈轉化成一道高低起伏的山脈風景,而499期集合而成的,就是歷年由《號外》所建構的時代風景,最後通過 3D 打印方法,從平面變成立體,是為《號外景像》。

2020 裝置版本展示由分析封面、顏色拆解、立體風景的構成到實體3D列印風景的整個過程。

20/20 Hong Kong Print Art Exhibition
7 October 2020 – 26 July 2021

1/F, Thematic Galleries 3 & 4
Hong Kong Heritage Museum 

2020年10月7日 – 2021年7月26日

一樓 專題展覽館三及四

Sound Coding:
Keith Lam

Creative Coding:
Seth Hon


© Keith Lam 2025