of Cloud

Artist Statement
The landscape of cloud is constructed by real lifeIt’s a reflection of real worldWe upload all kinds of matters in any kind of circumstance to the cloud which located at miles away – we somehow project our inner status to the virtualCo-create the form of cloud togetherAnd the result of it reflects to real worldVirtualise the real, Make virtual a realConstruct the new nation of virtual reality: a world of mixed-virtual-real.
There is nine cloud in the installation,And the ninth cloud is defined as the highest and the most far away cloud in “International Cloud Atlas” at 1896,Just like the cloud of internet,it’s far away from us with high speed in operation,but close to our life at the same time,mix and connect with two different world,project and reflect the matters of real world.
Interaction:It invites audience to put their belongings on the overhead projector,the machine captures the color of the object,and upload the color to the cloud while the audience spins the wheel,and the color of cloud will be changed.Each machine connects to one single cloud, and upload the colour to each of the connected cloud.
First appearance and Commissioned by deTour
28 Nov – 6 Dec 2015
Hong Kong
The landscape of cloud is constructed by real lifeIt’s a reflection of real worldWe upload all kinds of matters in any kind of circumstance to the cloud which located at miles away – we somehow project our inner status to the virtualCo-create the form of cloud togetherAnd the result of it reflects to real worldVirtualise the real, Make virtual a realConstruct the new nation of virtual reality: a world of mixed-virtual-real.
There is nine cloud in the installation,And the ninth cloud is defined as the highest and the most far away cloud in “International Cloud Atlas” at 1896,Just like the cloud of internet,it’s far away from us with high speed in operation,but close to our life at the same time,mix and connect with two different world,project and reflect the matters of real world.
Interaction:It invites audience to put their belongings on the overhead projector,the machine captures the color of the object,and upload the color to the cloud while the audience spins the wheel,and the color of cloud will be changed.Each machine connects to one single cloud, and upload the colour to each of the connected cloud.
First appearance and Commissioned by deTour
28 Nov – 6 Dec 2015
Hong Kong
雲端的風景建構自現實的生活 是現實世界的反射 我們把生活各種上載到雲端 通過上載分享去萬里之外的虛擬領域 投射 (project) 我們自己的某刻某種狀態 因此而集體改變虛擬的雲端的現狀 雲端的變化又反射到真實世界 把現實虛擬化、虛擬現實化 建立出虛擬實體的新國度- 我們就正正活在這個虛實不分的世界之下
這個作品中有九朵雲 第九朵雲 (the ninth cloud) 在 1896年的 International Cloud Atlas 中的定義是飛得最高和最遠 像我們的虛擬網絡一樣高速運作中 好像在離我們很遠的雲端 卻和現實混合和連結 反映及反射現實世界的種種
互動流程: 邀請觀眾把隨身物放在特製膠片投影機上面, 機器會擷取物件的顏色, 然後觀眾可以通過旋轉機器的手把, 把顏色上載到雲端去 雲端的顏色會因此而改變 而每個膠片投影機連結一朵雲 分別把顏色上載到不同的雲端
2015年 11月28日-12月6日
雲端的風景建構自現實的生活 是現實世界的反射 我們把生活各種上載到雲端 通過上載分享去萬里之外的虛擬領域 投射 (project) 我們自己的某刻某種狀態 因此而集體改變虛擬的雲端的現狀 雲端的變化又反射到真實世界 把現實虛擬化、虛擬現實化 建立出虛擬實體的新國度- 我們就正正活在這個虛實不分的世界之下
這個作品中有九朵雲 第九朵雲 (the ninth cloud) 在 1896年的 International Cloud Atlas 中的定義是飛得最高和最遠 像我們的虛擬網絡一樣高速運作中 好像在離我們很遠的雲端 卻和現實混合和連結 反映及反射現實世界的種種
互動流程: 邀請觀眾把隨身物放在特製膠片投影機上面, 機器會擷取物件的顏色, 然後觀眾可以通過旋轉機器的手把, 把顏色上載到雲端去 雲端的顏色會因此而改變 而每個膠片投影機連結一朵雲 分別把顏色上載到不同的雲端
2015年 11月28日-12月6日

Hong Kong
Sensory Canvas