New Balance x Keith Lam

Grabbing the core design concept of designing for Manhattan player at 70s, “TRACK” uses the technique of Machine Learning and 3D scanning, capturing the motion of starting line moment and composed it into a sculpture of a track of starting action.
Freezing the fleeting moment at the starting line, "TRACK" immortalizes the split-second kinetic action by visualizing the track of starting moment, showing the determination of no hesitation to the destination.
Freezing the fleeting moment at the starting line, "TRACK" immortalizes the split-second kinetic action by visualizing the track of starting moment, showing the determination of no hesitation to the destination.
作品 "TRACK" 概念源自這雙於70年代給馬拉松選手創造327系列跑鞋。
利用 Machine Learning 的方法,把起步一瞬間的動作擷取,再把 3D 掃描的327跑鞋和起步瞬間的動作軌跡給合成雕塑。
“TRACK” 將由起跑到 0.1 秒的瞬間凝固,再還原起跑軌跡,紀錄下充滿決心之瞬間,讓我們看見勇往直前的軌跡
“TRACK” 將由起跑到 0.1 秒的瞬間凝固,再還原起跑軌跡,紀錄下充滿決心之瞬間,讓我們看見勇往直前的軌跡
Making of “TRACK”
Graphic & Packing Design:
Javin Mo (Milkxhake)
Printing and Packing Production:
Legend Printing Production Company
Moulding and Productio:
Ben Lam
Programming Support:
Seth Hon
3D Model Retouch:
Jay Tse
Reinvention of the 70’s Legend
Inspired by the abundance of fascinating cultures in the 1970s, taking notes from trend-setting fashion, architecture, interior and graphic design, the New Balance 327 is designed withthe same adventurous spirit that gave birth to 320, 355 and SuperComp, collectively forming a picture of Neo-retroism in the contemporary world.
327 perfectly balances the modern and vintage aesthetics, inheriting distinctive details like the signature fangs, an oversized, stenciled N logo from the classic 320, a studded outsole with a heel wrap from the 355 trainers, and the versatile upper and an incomparable lightweight comfort found in 1977’s SuperComp.
To celebrate 327’s creative artistry, New Balance also announces a special collaborative effort with Keith Lam, the award-winning new media artist based in Hong Kong and Taiwan, in which Keith created a 327-inspired sculpture in the theme of “TRACK”, which will coincide with the highly anticipated launch of 327 and a limited boxset edition. Using state-of-the-art technology like 3D scanning and motion analysis, Keith aims to reinterpret the fleeting moment at the starting line, immortalizing the split-second kinetic action into a bold creative statement.
Javin Mo (Milkxhake)
Printing and Packing Production:
Legend Printing Production Company
Moulding and Productio:
Ben Lam
Programming Support:
Seth Hon
3D Model Retouch:
Jay Tse
Reinvention of the 70’s Legend
Inspired by the abundance of fascinating cultures in the 1970s, taking notes from trend-setting fashion, architecture, interior and graphic design, the New Balance 327 is designed withthe same adventurous spirit that gave birth to 320, 355 and SuperComp, collectively forming a picture of Neo-retroism in the contemporary world.
327 perfectly balances the modern and vintage aesthetics, inheriting distinctive details like the signature fangs, an oversized, stenciled N logo from the classic 320, a studded outsole with a heel wrap from the 355 trainers, and the versatile upper and an incomparable lightweight comfort found in 1977’s SuperComp.
To celebrate 327’s creative artistry, New Balance also announces a special collaborative effort with Keith Lam, the award-winning new media artist based in Hong Kong and Taiwan, in which Keith created a 327-inspired sculpture in the theme of “TRACK”, which will coincide with the highly anticipated launch of 327 and a limited boxset edition. Using state-of-the-art technology like 3D scanning and motion analysis, Keith aims to reinterpret the fleeting moment at the starting line, immortalizing the split-second kinetic action into a bold creative statement.
毛灼然 (Milkxhake)
Legend Printing Production Company
Ben Lam
Seth Hon
3D 模型修整:
Jay Tse
70 年代 傳奇的 嶄新想像
New Balance 327 設計受到文化涵養豐盛的 70 年代所啟發,除了從當時各 具特色的時裝、建築、設計傢俱、及平面設計文化汲取靈感外,更透過當代 前瞻視野重塑 New Balance 70 年代三款經典復古作品包括 320、355 及 SuperComp,構築出真正屬於當今時代的新復古精神。
327 完美糅合當代與復古精神,經典「兔牙」鞋頭細節以外,更傳承 320 鞋側 N 字 Logo 設計,但就以巨大化處理和手繪風加以重塑;至於佈滿 抓地顆粒並延伸到後跟上的 studded outsole鞋底設計,則傳承自越野 跑鞋 355;而靈活多變的鞋身設計,就沿襲自 1977 年登場的 SuperComp。
為頌揚 327 的復古基因與前瞻美學,New Balance 更攜手多年來 醉心於探索虛擬與現實、以香港和台灣作為基地的知名新媒體藝術家 Keith Lam,以「TRACK」作主題出發為最新 327 創作出藝術雕塑,連同最新 327 鞋款以限量 box set 形式登場。如果人生是場馬拉松,那麼起跑一刻,就代表了堅定向前的決心,而 Keith 今次創作正嘗試透過 3D 掃描及動作分析 技術,將由起跑到 0.1 秒的瞬間凝固,再還原起跑軌跡,以不一樣的形式紀錄下充滿決心之瞬間,成就今次破格的雕塑創作。
全球限量70套,每套 TRACK + 327 附有作品簽名證書及編號,於2020年7月13日發售。
毛灼然 (Milkxhake)
Legend Printing Production Company
Ben Lam
Seth Hon
3D 模型修整:
Jay Tse
70 年代 傳奇的 嶄新想像
New Balance 327 設計受到文化涵養豐盛的 70 年代所啟發,除了從當時各 具特色的時裝、建築、設計傢俱、及平面設計文化汲取靈感外,更透過當代 前瞻視野重塑 New Balance 70 年代三款經典復古作品包括 320、355 及 SuperComp,構築出真正屬於當今時代的新復古精神。
327 完美糅合當代與復古精神,經典「兔牙」鞋頭細節以外,更傳承 320 鞋側 N 字 Logo 設計,但就以巨大化處理和手繪風加以重塑;至於佈滿 抓地顆粒並延伸到後跟上的 studded outsole鞋底設計,則傳承自越野 跑鞋 355;而靈活多變的鞋身設計,就沿襲自 1977 年登場的 SuperComp。
為頌揚 327 的復古基因與前瞻美學,New Balance 更攜手多年來 醉心於探索虛擬與現實、以香港和台灣作為基地的知名新媒體藝術家 Keith Lam,以「TRACK」作主題出發為最新 327 創作出藝術雕塑,連同最新 327 鞋款以限量 box set 形式登場。如果人生是場馬拉松,那麼起跑一刻,就代表了堅定向前的決心,而 Keith 今次創作正嘗試透過 3D 掃描及動作分析 技術,將由起跑到 0.1 秒的瞬間凝固,再還原起跑軌跡,以不一樣的形式紀錄下充滿決心之瞬間,成就今次破格的雕塑創作。
全球限量70套,每套 TRACK + 327 附有作品簽名證書及編號,於2020年7月13日發售。

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