The Sunata - 
The Prelude: Rain

晝鳴曲 -

The concept is inspired by “The Sonata for Two Pianos in D major, K. 448”; it’s a work composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1781, when he was 25. It is written in sonata-allegro form, with three movements. Played with two pianos, like a reflection of one and other. Sonata for sure it’s a music piece while Sunata is a journey starts from the “Sun” – the light source.  

The SUNATA is an immersive media art journey for one to experience through perfect integration of sound and music, light and visual, to spread love and color to every participate from prelude to the central piece. In this journey, you will find your own reflections composed with your own self as well as the people around you; no matter those people are the passers-by or the people you know. Have a nice good trip, have a wonderful trip.

The Prelude: Rain
@ K11 Piazza

This is the Prelude of the Sunata –a white organic-form sculpture is hanging from the ceiling of the piazza, like the cloud in the sky. This organic cloud shape indeed is derived from the Rain data of Hong Kong for 10 years. And when the top light with different angles and sources go through each module of the sculpture, gradients of rainbow light will wash on every single passer-by underneath. It’s like a blessing ritual to everyone, hope you carry it with a smile.

Planet K448
@ chi K11

Planet K448 is an immersive media journey with rich audio-visual elements and designed experience, and the whole trip consisted of three parts just like the sonata. Before the trip start, every participate will receive a short brief together with a wireless headset; once the group is ready, the journey starts.

Zone 1: The Sun
Darkness opens the door of the journey, you will get used to the darkness and the ambient sound around you. And then everything starts with the sun, our light source, and without light we are and we see nothing. From black to white, and till the color stimulation, you will be washed with the initial set of light and sound.

Zone 2: The Cloud
Stepping into the second part, light is not only a source but also patterns with layers. You will experience a smart performance with layers of shadow in a 2D manner. Kinetic set will be revealed, your shadow will interact with others, and you are indeed not alone, we will go through the cloud set together.  

Zone 3: The Land
Follow the light you will then be immersed in a digital forest, we see digital installation with multiple modules inside the space. White trees grew out from the generative art imageries, and we will then walk around and encounter each other. Under the tree, look up the sky, you see loads of reflective pictures. Take a deep breathe, it’s time to enjoy, interact and feel through. A full audio-visual set will be embraced one till the end of the play as the finale. Follow the light, that’s the key to back to the reality.

Sonata 是晝鳴曲的意思,而 Sunata 則以 Sun 取代了原本的 Son,故譯名為《晝鳴曲》。概念理所當然源自一首樂曲,是莫札特在廿五歲時寫下的D大調雙鋼琴奏鳴曲,全曲由三個樂章組成,由雙鋼琴對坐演奏,形成美麗的對照。

《晝鳴曲》是一趟由新媒體藝術家林欣傑及新媒體藝術創作團隊 Dimension Plus 創作的全感藝術旅程,由前奏走到樂曲之中,一切由光影、視像、聲效、音樂以及簡單互動結合而成。旅程中觀眾也許會與倒影相遇、擦身而過,包括跟自己、身邊的陌生路人或認識的同路人等,這些都是為了給觀眾帶來充滿愛與色彩的一天。願大家有個愉快旅程,一切隨心順意。

@K11 露天廣場

《晝鳴曲》前奏:雨是一件看來如白雲的互動藝術裝置,在K11露天廣場中心自天花懸垂,其流動的形態並非偶然,是根據香港過去十年 (2009年1月- 2019年1月) 的雨量數據轉化而成。當不同轉向的燈照射通過裝置的每個組件,便會化成彩虹光,如彩虹雨水灑在每個經過的途人身上,是一個簡單溫柔的祝福禮,願彩虹雨讓大家會心微笑,令生命滿載色彩。

@chi K11


第一部分 | 太陽

第二部分 | 雲圖

第三部分 | 在地上


7th Nov 2019- 1st Jan 2020

Keith Lam & Dimension Plus

Joel Kwong

Creative Coding, Electric Engineering & Lighting Design:
Seth Hon, Keith Lam

K448 planet Composer and Sound Designer:
Edward Chiu

The Prelude: Rain Music:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Keith Lam

Production Team:
Carmen Cheng, Melody Lau, Venus Lee, Sky Region Production

Audio Equipment:
Miso Tech Co Ltd

K448 planet Voice Talent K448:
Sabrina Cheung Man Sha

Director of Photography:
Martin Cheung

Sound off

Key Visual (Artwork Title):
Jerry Luk @innoise

Commissioned by:
K11 Art Mall (Hong Kong)
2019年11月7日- 2020年1月1日

林欣傑 & Dimension Plus





Carmen Cheng, Melody Lau, Venus Lee, Sky Region Production

Miso Tech Co Ltd

K448 星球聲音演繹:


Sound off

主視覺 (作品標題) :
Jerry Luk @innoise

© Keith Lam 2025